How Do I Stay in Ballet Shape During the Off-season?

August 21, 2023

Maintaining peak physical condition during the off-season is crucial for ballet dancers. Here's a detailed approach to staying in shape, recommended by Serena Hanavan, decorated dancer with Boston Ballet and Cininnati Ballet on her resume. 

Structured Ballet Classes: Even during the off-season, it's essential to attend ballet classes to maintain technique. You will want to take class at least 3-4 times a week. Emphasizing both barre and center work will help maintain core strength, flexibility, alignment, and balance.

Cross-Training: Complementary workouts can enhance your ballet technique and stamina while reducing the risk of injury. Great cardio workouts include exercises like swimming, cycling, or running. Cardio boosts stamina, which is crucial for longer variations or full-length ballets. In addition to cardio, strength training is key as well. Incorporate resistance training into your weekly routine, using weights or resistance bands. Focus on core strength and lower body exercises. Pilates is one of the most recommended training activities for dancers and enhances core stability, flexibility, and muscle control. A reformer can be especially beneficial. Another popular option would be yoga, which improves flexibility, strength, and breathing technique while also promoting mental calmness and focus. 

Flexibility Training: Aside from the daily stretching in ballet classes, you will have to dedicate separate sessions for deep stretching. Include both dynamic stretching and static stretching.

Physical Therapy: Regular PT sessions, even in the absence of injury, can prevent potential issues. You will want to focus on alignment and muscular imbalances. Techniques such as dry needling, massage, and ultrasound may also be beneficial. Check with your company or school's PT program to see what is offered!

Foot and Ankle Care: You need to take care of your feet! Perform theraband exercises to strengthen intrinsic foot muscles. Regularly massage feet and use foot rollers to help reduce the stress and tension that accumulates. 

Diet and Nutrition: Mostly due to unhealthy body expectations, many ballerinas are neglecting their nutrition. Consuming a balanced diet and staying hydrated aids recovery and maintains energy levels so that every day you can dance at the top of your game. Make sure your diet includes a mix of protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. You may consider working with a nutritionist familiar with the needs of dancers.

Mental Conditioning: The off-season at its core is also a time to rest and rejuvenate mentally. Even when not dancing, mentally rehearsing can improve technique as a "visualization exercise." Meditation and relaxation techniques may also assist in managing performance anxiety and stress.

Rest and Recovery: Perhaps most importantly, you need to incorporate rest days into your schedule. Overtraining can lead to burnout and injury - definitely not something you want if you are a serious dancer! Get adequate sleep and consider treatments like massage or foam rolling for muscle recovery.

Stay Engaged with the Art: Lastly, attend performances, workshops, or ballet classes in different  styles (Balanchine, contemporary, etc.) to keep the passion alive and gain new perspectives. The more passionate and involved you are within the art of dance the better you will be able to express yourself!

Remember, while the off-season is a time to maintain peak condition, it's also an opportunity to address any weaknesses or imbalances that may have cropped up during the performance season. Always listen to your body and adjust your regimen based on how you're feeling. Consulting with trainers, physical therapists, and other professionals can ensure your off-season prep effectively supports your dance career.

How Do I Get More Clients as a Dance Photographer?

July 27th, 2023

Starting a new photography business can be challenging, especially in a specialized field like dance photography. Here are some strategies I have used to attract more clients: 

Remember, building a client base takes time, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen overnight. Consistency, quality service, and strategic promotion can help your business grow. Good luck!

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